RED 4348 Literacy Development K-12
In this course students explore reading instruction through the elementary, middle, and secondary school levels. Topics include learning to read as a continuous process that impacts all academic success with a focus on “reading to learn.” Students acquire a specific understanding of reading as student engagement in both the fluent decoding of words as well as the construction of meaning. With a focus on 4th to 12th-grade students, this course includes evidence-based instruction and interventions grounded in the science of reading. Students identify strategies to accommodate students with characteristics of dyslexia, and explore the use of explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches to reading instruction. In addition, developing phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, and implementing multisensory intervention strategies are included. This course is aligned with Competency 2 of the Florida Reading Endorsement: Application of Research-Based Instructional Practices.
3 credits