Catalog 2024 - 2025

Bachelors Degree General Education Requirements

Bachelor Degrees

The following information must be used in conjunction with the requirements information under each degree.

Transfer from Associate Degree:

General Education Requirement: 36 credits

Electives: 24 credits

In compliance with Rule 6A-14.0303, General Education Core Course Options, prior to the award of a Baccalaureate degree, students must complete at least one course from each of the General Education subject areas listed in this section. 

  • Communication:
    • ENC X101 English Composition 1; or
    • Any student who successfully completes a course with and ENC prefix for which ENC X101 is an immediate prerequisite shall be considered to have completed the communication core.
  • Humanities:
    • ARH X000 Art Appreciation;
    • HUM X020 Introduction to Humanities;
    • LIT X000 Introduction to Literature;
    • MUL X010 Music Literature/Music Appreciation;
    • PHI X010 Introduction to Philosophy; or
    • THE X000 Theatre Appreciation
  • Mathematics:
    • MAC X105 College Algebra;
    • MAC X311 Calculus I;
    • MGF X130 Mathematical Thinking
    • STA X023 Statistical Methods; or
    • Any student who successfully completes a mathematics course for which one of the general education core courses options in mathematics is an immediate prerequisite shall be considered to have completed the mathematics core.
  • Natural Science:
    • AST X002 Descriptive Astronomy;
    • BSC X005 General Biology
    • BSC X010 General Biology I;
    • BSC X085 Anatomy and Physiology I;
    • CHM X020 Chemistry for Liberal Studies;
    • CHM X045 General Chemistry I;
    • ESC X000 Introduction to Earth Science;
    • EVR X001 Introduction to Environmental Science;
    • GLY X010 Introduction to Geology;
    • OCE X001 Introduction to Oceanography;
    • PHY X020 Fundamentals of Physics;
    • PHY X048 General Physics with Calculus;
    • PHY X053 General Physics I; or
    • Any student who successfully completes a natural science course for which one of the general education core course options in natural science is an immediate prerequisite shall be considered to have completed the natural science core.
  • Social Sciences:
    • AMH X010 Introductory Survey to 1877. NOTE: AMH X010 taken prior to Fall 2024 will not satisfy the general education core requirement for the discipline area;
    • AMH X020 Introduction to Survey Since 1877 (also meets Civic Literacy Competency);
    • ANT X000 Introduction to Anthropology;
    • ECO X013 Principles of Macroeconomics;
    • POS X041 American Government (also meets Civic Literacy Competency);or
    • PSY X012 Introduction to Psychology.

Indian River State College requires all incoming students from the 2018-2019 academic year and beyond, to meet the Civic Literacy requirement.  All first-time-in-college (FTIC) students entering all Florida College System (FCS) and State University System (SUS) institutions must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by the time they graduate per Florida Statute 1007.25 and Florida Board of Governors Regulation 8.006.  There are three cohorts of students currently matriculating at Florida public institutions subject to varying Civic Literacy requirements . As demonstrated below, the exact civic literacy requirements are based on the academic term in which a student first enrolled in a Florida public institution.  If you are unsure which cohort you fall into, schedule an appointment with your assigned academic advisor.

Cohort 1: Prior to the award of an associate in arts or baccalaureate degree, first-time-in-college students entering a Florida College System institution between the 2018-19 to 2020-21 school year must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by successfully completing either a course or an exam.

Cohort 2: Prior to the award of an associate in arts or baccalaureate degree, students initially entering a Florida College System institution in the 2021-22 school year, and thereafter, must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by successfully completing a course and an exam.

Cohort 3: Prior to the award of an associate in science or associate in applied science degree, students initially entering a Florida College System institution in the 2022-23 school year, and thereafter, must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by successfully completing a course and an exam.

In compliance with the Florida Department of Education Rule 6A-10.02413, students must demonstrate civic literacy competency prior to the award of an Associates or Bachelors degree.  The State Board of Education defines civics literacy competency as follows:

  1. Earning a passing grade in AMH 2010 (if taken Fall 2024 and forward), AMH 2020 or POS 1041 AND earning a passing score on the Florida Civics Literacy Exam


  2. Passing one of the following exams which gives students credit for the course and civics literacy exam

AP Government and Politics: United States  (3)

AP United States History (4)

CLEP: American Government (50)

CLEP: History of the United States (50) (if taken Fall 2024 and forward).



Degree Requirements

Communications - 6 credits

Students must complete ENC 1101 to comply with General Education Core Course Options.
ENC 1101English Composition I

3 credits


ENC 1102English Composition II

3 credits

ENC 1107Advanced College Writing

3 credits

ENC 2210Technical Writing

3 credits

MMC 2100Writing for Mass Communications

3 credits

SPC 1608Public Speaking

3 credits

In each of the above courses, students will demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments and complete each course with a grade of C or higher..

Humanities - 6 credits

Students must complete at least one course from ARH 1000, HUM 1020, LIT 1000, MUL 2010, PHI 1010, THE 1000 to comply with General Education Core Course Options. 
AML 2010American Literature through Reconstruction

3 credits

AML 2020American Literature from Reconstruction to Present

3 credits

AML 2600Introduction to African American Literature

3 credits

ARH 1000Art Appreciation

3 credits

ENL 2012English Literature: Medieval to Romantic Era

3 credits

ENL 2022English Literature: Romantic Era to Present

3 credits

ENL 2330Introduction to Shakespeare

3 credits

HUM 1020Introduction to Humanities

3 credits

IDS 1110The Pursuit of Knowledge

3 credits

IDS 1955Interdisciplinary Study Abroad

3 credits

LIT 1000Introduction to Literature

3 credits

LIT 2110World Literature from ancient through the Renaissance

3 credits

LIT 2120World Literature from the Enlightenment through the present

3 credits

LIT 2190Caribbean Literature

3 credits

MUL 2010Music Appreciation

3 credits

MUL 2012Survey of Music Literature - Musical Theater

3 credits

MUY 2100Music and Music Therapy

3 credits

PHI 1002Philosophical Practice

3 credits

PHI 1010Introduction to Philosophy

3 credits

PHI 1071Eastern Philosophies

3 credits

PHI 1103Critical and Creative Thinking

3 credits

PHI 1113Reason and Emotion

3 credits

PHI 1624Philosophy and Popular Culture

3 credits

PHI 1635Ethical Issues in Health Care

3 credits

PHI 1801Philosophy of Art

3 credits

PHI 2100Introduction to Logic

3 credits

PHI 2620Environmental Ethics

3 credits

PHI 2630Introduction to Ethics

3 credits

PHP 1791Existentialism

3 credits

REL 1300Introduction to World Religions

3 credits

THE 1000Introduction to Theatre

3 credits

THE 2300Survey of Dramatic Literature

3 credits

In each of the above courses, students will demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments and complete each course with a grade of C or higher.

Mathematics - 6 credits

Students must complete at least one course from MAC 1105, MAC 2311, MGF 1130, STA 2023 to comply with General Education Core Course Options.

Effective Fall 2024 MGF 1106 and MGF1107 no longer meet General Education Core Course Options for Mathematics subject area.

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 credits

MAC 1114Plane Trigonometry

3 credits

MAC 1140Precalculus Algebra

3 credits

MAC 1147Precalculus/Trigonometry

5 credits

MAC 2233Business Calculus I

3 credits

MAC 2311Calculus I with Analytic Geometry

5 credits

MAD 2104Discrete Mathematics

3 credits

MAP 2302Differential Equations

3 credits

MGF 1106Survey in Mathematics

3 credits

MGF 1131Mathematics in Context

3 credits

MGF 1130Mathematical Thinking

3 credits

MTG 2204Elementary Geometry

3 credits

STA 2023Elementary Statistics I

3 credits

Students must complete each course with a grade of C or higher.

Science - 6 credits

Students must complete at least one course from AST 1002, BSC 1005, BSC 2010, BSC 2085, CHM 1020, CHM 1045, ESC 1000, EVR 1001, GLY 1010, OCE 2001, PHY 1020, PHY 2048, PHY 1053 to comply with General Education Core Course Options. IRSC does not offer ESC 1000 or EVR 1001, but does accept these courses as Natural Science General Education.
AST 1002General Astronomy

3 credits

BSC 1005Life Science

3 credits

BSC 1020Introduction to Human Biology

3 credits

BSC 1020LIntroduction to Human Biology Lab

1 credit

BSC 1084Survey of the Human Body

3 credits

BSC 2010General Biology I

3 credits

BSC 2011General Biology II

3 credits

BSC 2011LGeneral Biology II Lab

1 credit

BSC 2085Anatomy & Physiology I

3 credits

BSC 2086Anatomy & Physiology II

3 credits

BSC 2086LAnatomy & Physiology II Lab

1 credit

CHM 1020Introduction to Chemistry

3 credits

CHM 1045General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHM 1046General Chemistry II

3 credits

CHM 1046LGeneral Chemistry II Lab

1 credit

GLY 1010Introduction to Geology

3 credits

OCB 1000Introduction to Marine Biology

3 credits

OCB 1630Marine Ecology

3 credits

OCE 2001Introduction to Oceanography

3 credits

PHY 1020Principles of Physics

3 credits

PHY 2048Physics with Calculus I

3 credits

PHY 2048LPhysics with Calculus I Lab

1 credit

PHY 2049Physics with Calculus II

3 credits

PHY 2049LPhysics with Calculus II Lab

1 credit

PHY 1053College Physics I

3 credits

PHY 1054College Physics II

3 credits

PHY 1054LCollege Physics II Lab

1 credit

PSC 1121Survey of Physical Science

3 credits

Consult Enrollment and Student Services about specific science requirements for major and for university transfer.

Social Science - 12 credits

Students must complete at least one course from the AMH 2010, AMH 2020ANT 1000ECO 2013, POS 1041, PSY 2012 to comply with General Education Core Course Options.

NOTE: AMH 2010 taken prior to Fall 2024 will not satisfy the general education core requirement for the discipline area.

Students must take 6 credits from the following:

AMH 2010American History: Discovery through Reconstruction

3 credits

AMH 2020American History: Reconstruction to the Present

3 credits

WOH 2012World History to 1500

3 credits

WOH 2022World History Since 1500

3 credits

WOH 2040World in the 20th Century

3 credits


Social Science

Students must take 6 credits from the following:
ANT 1000Introduction to General Anthropology

3 credits

DEP 2004Human Development

3 credits

ECO 2013Principles of Economics Macro

3 credits

ECO 2023Principles of Economics Micro

3 credits

INR 2002Introduction to International Relations

3 credits

POS 1041American Government

3 credits

PSY 2012Introduction to Psychology

3 credits

SPC 1017Fundamentals of Speech Communication

3 credits

SYG 1361Sociology of Death

3 credits

SYG 2000Introduction to Sociology

3 credits

SYG 2010Social Problems

3 credits

A series of college developmental reading courses will be required of all students who test into college developmental level reading.