Catalog 2024 - 2025

Associate in Science Degree in Criminal Justice Technology

20520 - 60 credits

Degree Requirements

General Education - Communications/English

ENC 1101English Composition I

3 credits

General Education - Humanities/Fine Arts

Select 3 credits from the following:
ARH 1000Art Appreciation

3 credits

HUM 1020Introduction to Humanities

3 credits

LIT 1000Introduction to Literature

3 credits

MUL 2010Music Appreciation

3 credits

PHI 1010Introduction to Philosophy

3 credits

THE 1000Introduction to Theatre

3 credits


General Education - Mathematics

Select 3 credits from the following:
MGF 1130Mathematical Thinking

3 credits

STA 2023Elementary Statistics I

3 credits

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 credits

MAC 2311Calculus I with Analytic Geometry

5 credits

General Education - Natural Science

Select 3 credit from the following:
AST 1002General Astronomy

3 credits

BSC 1005Life Science

3 credits

BSC 2010General Biology I

3 credits

BSC 2085Anatomy & Physiology I

3 credits

CHM 1020Introduction to Chemistry

3 credits

CHM 1045General Chemistry I

3 credits

PHY 1020Principles of Physics

3 credits

PHY 1053College Physics I

3 credits

PHY 2048Physics with Calculus I

3 credits


General Education - Social/Behavioral Science

Select 3 credits from the following:
AMH 2010American History: Discovery through Reconstruction

3 credits

AMH 2020American History: Reconstruction to the Present

3 credits

POS 1041American Government

3 credits


Major Field Required Courses - 21 credits

CCJ 2020Introduction to Criminal Justice

3 credits

CJC 2000Introduction to Corrections

3 credits

CJL 2500Introduction to the Courts

3 credits

CJL 2062Constitutional Law

3 credits

CJL 2100Criminal Law

3 credits

CCJ 1600Deviant Behavior

3 credits

ENC 1102English Composition II

3 credits

Major Field Electives - Select 24 credits

CCJ 2022Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice

1-3 credits

CJC 2162Probation and Parole

3 credits

CJD 1940Internship in Criminal Justice

3 - 4 credits

CJE 1000Introduction to Law Enforcement

3 credits

CJE 1002Police Procedures

3 credits

CJE 1325Foundations of Law Enforcement Leadership

3 credits

CJE 2300Police Organization and Administration

3 credits

CJE 2580Investigative Interviews

3 credits

CJE 2600Criminal Investigation

3 credits

CJJ 2002The Juvenile and the Law

3 credits

CJL 1000Fundamentals of Law

3 credits

CJL 2130Rules of Evidence

3 credits

CJL 2403Criminal Procedure

3 credits

DSC 1002Terrorism and U.S. Security

3 credits

POS 1041American Government

3 credits

SPC 1608Public Speaking

3 credits

CJE 1641Intro to Crime Scene Technology

3 credits

CJE 1673Crime Scene Photography 1

3 credits

CJE 2604Courtroom Presentation of Evidence

3 credits

CJE 2671Latent Fingerprint 1

3 credits

CJE 2644Crime Scene Safety

3 credits

PSY 2012Introduction to Psychology

3 credits


SYG 2000Introduction to Sociology

3 credits


SYG 2010Social Problems

3 credits

MAT 1100Quantitative Reasoning

3 credits


MAT 1033Intermediate Algebra

3 credits

CGS 1060College Computing

3 credits


CGS 1100Introduction to Computer Applications for Business

3 credits