Catalog 2024 - 2025

Designation of Restroom and Changing Facilities

In compliance with Florida Statute 553.865 the College provides restrooms for exclusive use by males or females on each campus. The College also provides changing facilities for exclusive use by males and females. Under College policy, a person may only enter a restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite sex if they are accompanying a person of the opposite sex for the purpose of chaperoning or assisting a child under the age of 12, an elderly person (F.S. 825.101), disabled person (F.S. 760.22), a person with a developmental disability (F.S. 393.063), in emergency situations, custodial or maintenance purposes when the restroom or changing facility is not in use. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary procedures for students per the Student Code of Conduct. The College will report violations to this policy to the State Board of Education. See IRSC District Board of Trustees Policy #7421 for complete information.