Catalog 2024 - 2025

Gordon Rule

The Gordon Rule requires that prior to receipt of an Associate in Arts Degree from a public community college or university, or prior to entry into the upper division of a public university, a student shall successfully complete the following:

Degree Requirements

Six (6) credits of English and six (6) credits of Humanities courses in which the student will demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments. Mathematics (higher than MAT 1033) - 6 credits.

To meet the requirements of the Communications and Computation Requirement (Gordon Rule), all IRSC A.A. Degree seeking students will complete:

ENC 1101English Composition I

3 credits

and will select one from the following:

ENC 1102English Composition II

3 credits

ENC 1107Advanced College Writing

3 credits

ENC 2210Technical Writing

3 credits

MMC 2100Writing for Mass Communications

3 credits

SPC 1608Public Speaking

3 credits


Students will select two of the following Humanities courses demonstrating college-level writing skills through multiple assignments.

Students must complete at least one course from ARH 1000, HUM 1020, LIT 1000, MUL 2010, PHI 1010, THE 1000 to comply with General Education Core Course Options.
AML 2010American Literature through Reconstruction

3 credits

AML 2020American Literature from Reconstruction to Present

3 credits

AML 2600Introduction to African American Literature

3 credits

ARH 1000Art Appreciation

3 credits

ENL 2012English Literature: Medieval to Romantic Era

3 credits

ENL 2022English Literature: Romantic Era to Present

3 credits

ENL 2330Introduction to Shakespeare

3 credits

HUM 1020Introduction to Humanities

3 credits

IDS 1110The Pursuit of Knowledge

3 credits

IDS 1955Interdisciplinary Study Abroad

3 credits

LIT 1000Introduction to Literature

3 credits

LIT 2110World Literature from ancient through the Renaissance

3 credits

LIT 2120World Literature from the Enlightenment through the present

3 credits

LIT 2190Caribbean Literature

3 credits

MUL 2010Music Appreciation

3 credits

MUL 2012Survey of Music Literature - Musical Theater

3 credits

MUY 2100Music and Music Therapy

3 credits

PHI 1002Philosophical Practice

3 credits

PHI 1010Introduction to Philosophy

3 credits

PHI 1071Eastern Philosophies

3 credits

PHI 1103Critical and Creative Thinking

3 credits

PHI 1113Reason and Emotion

3 credits

PHI 1624Philosophy and Popular Culture

3 credits

PHI 1635Ethical Issues in Health Care

3 credits

PHI 1801Philosophy of Art

3 credits

PHI 2100Introduction to Logic

3 credits

PHI 2620Environmental Ethics

3 credits

PHI 2630Introduction to Ethics

3 credits

PHP 1791Existentialism

3 credits

REL 1300Introduction to World Religions

3 credits

THE 1000Introduction to Theatre

3 credits

THE 2300Survey of Dramatic Literature

3 credits


Students will also complete 6 credits from the following courses.

Students must complete at least once course from MAC 1105, MAC 2311, MGF 1130, STA 2023 to comply with General Education Core Options.
MAC 1105College Algebra

3 credits

MAC 1114Plane Trigonometry

3 credits

MAC 1140Precalculus Algebra

3 credits

MAC 1147Precalculus/Trigonometry

5 credits

MAC 2233Business Calculus I

3 credits

MAC 2311Calculus I with Analytic Geometry

5 credits

MAD 2104Discrete Mathematics

3 credits

MAP 2302Differential Equations

3 credits

MGF 1106Survey in Mathematics

3 credits

MGF 1131Mathematics in Context

3 credits

MGF 1130Mathematical Thinking

3 credits

MTG 2204Elementary Geometry

3 credits

STA 2023Elementary Statistics I

3 credits


For the purpose of this rule, a grade of C or higher shall be considered successful completion.