Main Campus • Fort Pierce

IRSC’s Main Campus encompasses 52 buildings on 327 acres. Outstanding facilities include the Kight Center for Emerging Technologies, the state-of-the-art Mary L. Fields Health Science Center, Science Center and Hallstrom Planetarium, the Treasure Coast Public Safety Training Complex, the Tomeu Center for Career and Academic Advancement, the Brenda & Vernon Smith Center for Medical Education, a 40,000-volume library featuring electronic access to information, McAlpin Fine Arts Center, Wynne Black Box Theatre, gymnasium, world-class Anne Wilder swimming complex, a regional crime lab, a modern child development center, physical fitness lab, physical therapy assistant training center and WQCS, an FM national public radio station.
In April 2012, the Brown Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship opened featuring programs designed to prepare students for cutting-edge careers in emerging technologies, particularly in energy-related fields, and providing support services to entrepreneurs and business startups, creating new types of jobs for the 21st Century. Built to national "silver LEED" environmental design standards, the Brown Center is a model of sustainability. Construction of the $21.5 million Center was supported by a $3.9 million grant from the Economic Development Administration, the State of Florida and private contributions.

A Ben L. Bryan, Sr. Administration Building
B Business Development Center
C Tomeu Center for Career & Academic Advancement
E PNC Careers Building
F Administration Annex
FSU Brenda & Vernon Smith Center for Medical Education
G Gymnasium
H Mary L. Fields Health Science Center
I Medical Examiner's Office
J Classroom Building
KSU Koblegard Student Union (Bookstore, Cafeteria, Mailroom, Student Affairs/Activities)
L Miley Library & Academic Support Center
M Print Shop
N Science Center/Hallstrom Planetarium
O Occupational Building
P Anne Wilder Aquatic Complex
PT Physical Therapy
P5 Tennis Courts
Q Radio Station - WQCS
R Classroom Building & Wynne Black Box Theatre
S Leroy C. Floyd Administrative Services Building
T McAlpin Fine Arts Complex
U Health & Wellness Center
V Kight Center for Emerging Technologies
W Crews Hall (Registration, Financial Aid, Student Services, Security)
Y Brown Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
EN Institute of Cosmetology & Barbering
ES Child Development Center
Z Racquetball Courts